Wednesday 27 July 2016

Free PokeCoins

Now that Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS devices in select regions around the world, players everywhere are flocking to the augmented-reality mobile game, hoping to learn all the ins and outs of catching, leveling, and battling Pokemon. While the app is technically “free” to download, Nintendo and Niantic have incorporated a few microtransactions into the game in the form of Pokecoins.
These gold coins are the in-game currency of Pokemon GO that can be used to buy useful items such as Pokeballs, potions, and revives, and players can choose to spend anywhere from a dollar all the way to $100 on these Pokecoins if they wish. However, since not everyone is willing to open up their wallets for some Pokecoins, here’s a link to get those gold coins without spending a dime.